Security and Connectivity Hand in hand
News, Security

Security and Connectivity Hand in hand

Security and connectivity are 2 hard things to go hand in hand, but HID is making sure that they strike the right equilibrium. Miguel Braojos, VP Global Sales, Identity and Access Management at HID Global says, “We rely on connectivity either in enterprise or the cloud because the boundaries are more dispersed. Our idea of trusted digital identity is to create a point of reliance for the users to connect wherever they go and on whichever device they connect.” HID Global has found that the increasingly mobile workforce in the Middle East is driving organisations to focus on watertight security strategies in order to protect and secure their digital assets when accessing applications and data in the cloud. A regional survey conducted by HID Global revealed that 47 percent of organisations believe that securing access to cloud based data and application is as important as securing physical premises. With 41 percent stating that secure access to cloud based data and applications was their number one priority.

October 19, 2016

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